
Sunday, March 3, 2019

Best Day Ever

2018 was a challenging year for me. I didn't do much blogging or teach many lessons. I wrote a couple of books, and I still often talked with people about trying to live life to the fullest. But if I am being completely honest, I don't think I was living my best life very often in 2018. Moreover, the end of 2018 was incredibly difficult.

Right before Thanksgiving, a friend of mine suddenly lost his son. He was just a little boy, not much older than my own. His death affected a lot of people. They are a well-known family loved by many in the community. What I didn't know then was something his son used to say would stick with so many people and teach them to live each day to the fullest extent possible.

When they would go on adventures, trips, or just do something really fun, his son would say it was "the best day ever." When they were preparing his memorial, they printed "Best Day Ever" on shirts. It was also in all of their social media posts. Many people learned this in a small amount of time and what it meant, and many people I know hold this phrase in their heart. Several times a week, I see someone talking about having another "Best Day Ever" moment. It's really awesome.

People from all walks of life talk about this now, and everyone knows what it means. Young people, old people, rich, poor, and everyone in between are trying to live their best life and are talking about another "Best Day Ever." It really is a beautiful thing. For many, it simply means to enjoy the little things, tell people you love them, being present in the moment, and making the most of your time while you are alive.

Life is too short and unpredictable to live any other way. It's too easy to get caught up in the repetition, routines, and busyness of life. Don't get so caught up in the busyness of day to day life that you forget what makes life worth living. Nothing is guaranteed, not even tomorrow. Every day that we are alive is a blessing. Try every day to make it the "Best Day Ever."

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